Just My Thoughts Of My Life...

Save Our Children

                   What Is Crazy?”               

Have u ever been called “crazy"?… I have! All because of others being “crazy". How does this work exactly? How can we decide what “crazy" truly is? I don’t believe this is truly possible without having done a statistical study and having a type of scale to refer to. I am pretty sure we have some sort of “scale" to go off of. Maybe it’s called a “mental health chart" of some sort…I’m not sure.
Yet, for one to say “oh, she(s)/he(s) just crazy!", is absolutely obserd. Depending on one person from the next and the experiences they had ever endured in their lives, their opinion of “crazy" will very well differ from someone elses opinions as to what “crazy" means to them.
I have come to learn that I am “crazy". Not how others say though. I tell people “oh, I’m crazy alright. Not crazy as in needing a padded room, straight jacked, and a shot of sedative in my ass but crazy ain...“I’VE BEEN SEVERELY MENTALLY, EMOTIONALLY, & PHYSICALLY FKD WITH"… kind of crazy. So, there is a difference to me".
I have a curse of attracting those that are truly “crazy". Something I put people with these “demons” in catagories such as “soul suckers", as I call them. Those with mental health disorders, or that are duel-diagnosed in most cases, come to me due to the energy they sense from me. These types of “soul suckers" tend to often feel a sense of true care and compassion after getting to know me well. Then they turn and attack me and for no good reason. Only just because I had showed them something called “LOVE". Their demons don’t like to feel “LOVE". Their intentions were to suck the life and energy from me. Not to feel “LOVE". So, naturally this turns them to do nothing other than attack me. Thus showing me how “crazy" they truly are. While at the same time they call me “crazy" for no good reason except only that I had made them feel something other than hate.
Now…that’s just CRAZY!

Follow my story on Snapchat and help me to finding my baby boy Bentley Deemie and get him home safely where he belongs!Also, if you could sign and share my petition to getting my voice heard, I would be more than greatful and so would those families whom are dealing with the same situations as I am. “Save our children" is the name of my petition and if the name doesn’t explain it…I don’t know what would! Thank you!

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