
Just My Thoughts Of My Life...

Save Our Children Medium   Follow my story on Snapchat                      What Is Crazy?”                Have u ever been called “crazy"?… I have! All because of others being “crazy". How does this work exactly? How can we decide what “crazy" truly is? I don’t believe this is truly possible without having done a statistical study and having a type of scale to refer to. I am pretty sure we have some sort of “scale" to go off of. Maybe it’s called a “mental health chart" of some sort…I’m not sure. Yet, for one to say “oh, she(s)/he(s) just crazy!", is absolutely obserd. Depending on one person from the next and the experiences they had ever endured in their lives, their opinion of “crazy" will very well differ from someone elses opinions as to what “crazy" means to them. I have come to learn that I am “crazy". Not how others say though. I tell people “oh, I’m crazy alright. Not crazy as in needing a padded room, straight jacked, and a shot o

His insane mind

This is going to start off in an akward spot...but my mind is wandering, going mad, and I'm about to loose it further than I already have... as he loves me to do. To go insane as he is..this is his main priority. His goal. His main mission in try and control me and my mind because he can not control his own. He told me once upon a time, "I love to plant seeds in people's heads to watch them go insane". Tell me, how disterbing this is to anyone in their right mind?... I'm not gonna lie, it pissed me off when first being told this but at the same time broke my heart that he was and is still wired this way. Who hurt him? Who and how could someone get off on the pain of others and feel good about knowing that they themselves caused that tourment, pain, sorrow, unhappiness and they feel good about it in the end?... Never could I!...Never!  Yet, I found myself playing his "game of chess, not checkers" as he always says but at the same time telling me